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NDGCA Branded Merchandise Now Available

The North Dakota Geocaching Association has opened a store on ThreadLess where you can order a wide variety of NDGCA branded merchandise. The NDGCA does receive a percentage of the profits from all items sold so you not only get some cool merchanise, you also help fund the NDGCA with your purchase.

2025 North Dakota Geocaching Association
15th Annual Camping and Caching Event
June 20th, 21st, and 22nd, 2025
Devils Lake, ND

The 15th annual NDGCA Camping and Caching event will be held at Grahams Island State Park in Devils Lake, North Dakota.
GillfamND and Jasperie will be hosting.

The main Saturday C&C event has been posted as a Community Celebration Event GCAYPJT.
9:00-10:00am: Morning Rendezvous! Pick up your swag, and get all the information to get the most out of your weekend!
6:00-8:30pm: Return for a potluck party! Please bring a dish to share and a beverage of your choice for supper. Raffle prizes and silent auction items will be available.

Tentative list of secondary events:
GCB2CMC - 2025 NDGCA Camping and Caching - CITO (June 20, 2025)
GCB26T9 - 2025 NDGCA Camping and Caching - Meet & Greet (June 20, 2025)
TBD - NDGCA Afternoon Sip and Float (June 21, 2025)
TBD - NDGCA 25 years of Geocaching Flash Mob Party (June 22, 2025)
Note: The links to the event pages will not be active on geocaching.com until they are published sometime between 90 days to 14 days before the event date per the event guidelines.

Devils Lake Hotel Information

A block of rooms for the event are availble for reservation at:
Cobblestone Hotel and Suites
1801 US Highway 2
East Devils Lake, ND 58301

Call the hotel directly and state you need a room for June 20th and 21st for the Camping & Caching Event. The front desk agent will check the reservation block and let you know what room types are available and reserve the one that best suites your needs.
The cutoff to make reservations under the Camping and Caching reservation block is March 31, 2025. The NDGCA block of rooms will be released after April 1st since there are other groups that want hotel rooms for the weekend of Camping and Caching.
The pre-tax rate for any of the rooms is $99.00 per night.

It is recommended that you reserve a room before March 31st and then if your plans change, cancel the reservation. As long the reservation is canceled 24 hours in advance, you will not be charged a fee.

Grahams Island Camping Information

Reserve your spot online or by calling 800-807-4723.
Campsites can be booked 95 days in advance.
Arrival Date Earliest Reservation Date
Wednesday, June 18 Saturday, March 15
Thursday, June 19 Sunday, March 16
Friday, June 20 Monday, March 17
Saturday, June 21 Tuesday, March 18